TN-TET Paper - 1 (17-8-2013 original Question paper with answer) Part - 2

  1. 1.      The attitude of a male child being affectionate towards the mother than his father is
    A.    Complex
    B.     Oedipus complex
    C.     Electra complex
    D.    Inferior complex
    2.      The psychologist who had the idea that children perform better as they grow older
    A.    J.M.C.Cattell
    B.     Alfred Binet
    C.     Sir Fancies Galton
    D.    Woodworth
    3.      Teacher should use one of the following to draw the attention of children more quickly
    A.    Real objects
    B.     Colourful Objects
    C.     Colourful Pictures
    D.    Moving Objects
    4.      The thinking of the socialist is an example for
    A.    Concrete thinking
    B.     Abstract thinking
    C.     Creative thinking
    D.    Reflective thinking
    5.      One of the following should be given to student for social development
    A.    Academic activity
    B.     Evaluation activity
    C.     Home activity
    D.    Co-curricular activity
    6.      Myelin sheath is made up of
    A.    Proteins only
    B.     Proteins and lipids
    C.     Lipids only
    D.    Carbohydrates and lipids
    7.      Physical growth in children is at the maximum rate at the age of
    A.    0 – 2 years
    B.     2 – 6 years
    C.     6 – 12 years
    D.    12 – 19 years
    8.      The word Adolescence means
    A.    To develop
    B.     To create
    C.     To think
    D.    To grow
    9.      Three ‘A’ s to be followed by parents
    A.    Accept, Affectionate, Appreciate
    B.     Accept, Adjust, Appreciate
    C.     Accept, Adjust, Analyses
    D.    Accept, Assist, Appreciate
    10.  Love, envy and pity are …… categories of emotions.
    A.    Primary goal oriented emotions
    B.     Emotions triggered by sensory simulation
    C.     Emotions related to others
    D.    Emotions pertaining to self appraisal


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