How to create a table in blogger

Sometimes we need to present our content in the shape of tables because if we going to share some specific projects with our site readers then we will easily add them in tables and our site visitors are easily understand It but unfortunately blogger don’t provide you any tool to create tables in blogger posts and if you want to create it then you need to have deep knowledge in HTML, CSS and some other programming languages but many of newbies don’t have knowledge about these languages, so we will need to use any simple and easy method to create table in blogger posts. Also Read in tamil : பிளாக்கரில் டேபிள்பார்மெட் கொண்டு வருவது எப்படி? Create Table in Blogger Posts Without Coding. There is a lot of ways that we can use and create our table by playing with different HTML and CSS codes but if we want to create table without using any coding then we need any software that helps us to create tables. You can use any software for creating table but we suggest you t...